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Inside the Eye

Diabetes and the Eye
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  What is Diabetic Retinopathy?
Diabetic Retinopathy is the name used to describe changes in the eye due to diabetes.

What happens to the eye?

The eye develops changes relating to the small blood vessels. These blood vessels are in the retina. The retina is the transparent lining at the back of the eye and is comparable to the photographic film in a camera.

At first, when the changes are early, the patient may not notice any problems. It is therefore important that all patients with diabetes have regular eye checks. These checks should ideally involve looking at the whole retina with the use of special drops which dilate the pupils.

With time, the diabetes may lead to reduced vision. At various stages, these changes may be treatable with laser treatment or surgery.

Cataracts may also develop earlier in patients with diabetes.




Is there anything I can do to help control the diabetes affecting the eye?

Ideally good control of your blood sugar, blood pressure and maintaining a healthy BMI will all help to control the diabetes. Regular eye checks which will pick up disease at a treatable stage is also important.


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